Frames Data IDA: Eyefinity Practice Management Edition

Using Eyefinity Practice Management? This is the subscription for you!

Frames Data provides the frame database inside of your Eyefinity Practice Management software. Everywhere you see frame information - inventory, frame orders, lab jobs, managed care claims - you’re using Frames Data!

Your subscription also includes access to Frames Data Online, which will be available as soon as you press submit!

You will need to enter your username (which you will create below) into Eyefinity Practice Management in order to authenticate your subscription and bring your practice into compliance.

Not using Eyefinity Practice Management? This Frames Data product is built exclusively to be used with the Eyefinity Practice Management software and will not work with any other software package. If you are not an Eyefinity Practice Management user, click here.

This page is for single location practices. For multiple location practice subscriptions, please call 1-800-821-6069 ext 4 or email [email protected].

Your Information:
Fields with * are required.
Username / Password:
Please create a Username and Password to access Frames Data Online. Your Username will also be used to access Frames Data IDA and must be 9 alpha/numeric characters (no spaces or special characters.)

Your Subscription Term:

Multiple location retailers are required to purchase a license that covers all locations. This includes whether you plan to manage inventory in a central location or if each location will access the data individually. Please call 1-800-821-6069 ext 4 for more information.

Business Profile:
How many locations does your practice have?
Please note: locations are retail stores at physical locations, not the number of computers in your store.
Which ONE category describes your location?*
Please check the ONE category that best describes your business activity.*
Primary Practice MGMT Software*
Enter Your Credit Card Information:
 Visa Mastercard Amex
What is this?


Subscriber Agreement
By checking this box, I agree to the Frames Data Terms and Conditions Click here to read the full Terms and Conditions.
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